2015 Tigers Annual General Meeting Reminder

Notice of Tigers’ Annual General Meeting

Tigers AGM is to be held Sunday 29th November at 2pm at Hamilton North Bowling Club.
The following positions will be declared vacant and election of members will be undertaken.

Vice President
Junior Secretary
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Men’s Senior Delegate
Ladies Representative
NDWHA Judiciary Member
Junior Boys Delegate
Junior Boys Coordinator
Junior Girls Coordinator
Senior Gear Steward
Junior Gear Steward

The link below is to the nomination form.  Nominations need to be received by the Secretary no later than Monday 23rd November 2015 (secretary@tigers.asn.au).

AGM Nomination Form

If written nominations are not received for a position then nominations will be called for from the floor.

Any special resolutions to be considered need to be submitted to the Secretary no later than Monday 9th November 2015 (secretary@tigers.asn.au).

All members are welcome and encouraged to participate in the running of their club!

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