2016 Newcastle Women’s Masters Nominations Close 6 May

Just a reminder that nominations close tomorrow night Friday 6 May for the Women’s Masters to be held in Taree from 29-31 July

Please complete and return the nomination form Masters player nomination Form doc 2016 to the NDWHA Representative Convenor, Ros Cheetham, at rep@ndwha.com.au and a copy of your $110 deposit to treasurer@ndwha.com.au.

No late nominations will be accepted as per the Rules of NDWHA.

Don’t forget to send through your room requests and your uniform requirements (plus your shirt number).

Also I have one size 14 skirt and shirt for sale, used for only one carnival before.  Let me know if this would suit anyone.

Umpire, coach and manager nominations are also due by Friday, 6 May 2016. NDWHA Coach and Manager Nomination Form 2016 Masters

Click on the Newsletter link for all the Women’s Masters information 2016 NEWCASTLE WOMEN MASTERS NEWSLETTER 1

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