2017 Session Start News Items
A few things for the start of the seasion
- Those of you that are playing in the Summer Competition, please ensure you keep your receipts as we’ve had a few instances where there was a discrepancy in outstanding fees. If you are unfinancial with the hockey centre for the Summer Comp, you will not be allowed to participate in the winter competition.
- Are you interested in umpiring? The Men’s and Women’s Associations are always need of new umpires and will help you in the process in becoming an umpire. Did you know that you get paid to umpire, and if you umpire 10+ games Tigers provides a $50 discount off your fees. You could pay off all your fees this year by regularly umpiring!
- Do you want to be a coach and/or manager, or know someone who would like to be a coach / manager for a senior men’s or women’s team? If so, please send an expression to the secretary@tigers.asn.au email address. Currently we are looking at putting in the following teams. Women: PHL, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th. Men: 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th.
- Do you want to be involved in helping to run your club? Tigers board usually meets on a monthly basis. Our next general meeting is set for Tuesday 28th February, 6pm at Hamilton North Bowling club. All members are invited and you can participate in the running of the club. We’re always open to suggestions, or if you need to get something off your chest, come along and have a chat with us.
- We expect the competition to start week commencing 13th March. If you haven’t already done so, you need to register on the new Hockey NSW system. Jump onto Tigers website (www.tigers.asn.au) and register yourself. You will need to pay your HNSW fees whilst doing this with a credit card. We also need to have you deposit transferred into Tigers account. $200 for seniors, $150 for juniors and $100 for moddies. Please ensure you put your name in the description so we know the fees are for.
Tigers account details are:
BSB – 637-000 [Greater Building Society]
Account – 72068168
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