Goal Keeper & Striker clinic

We are pleased to confirm that the Goal Keeper and Striker clinic will proceed on the 16th May at 7.30am-9.30am sharp. The goal keepers will be coached by Jocelyn Bartram (NSW Arrows) and the Strikers will be coached by Isaac Farmilo (U21 Australian Futures group, Australian Youth Olympic squad).

To attend please pay $20 into the NDWHA account before the 16th May (details below) reference your initials and GK clinic. Also please email rep@ndwha.com.au with your name and indicate either striker or GK.

Please be on time and ready to start at 7.30 am on the 16th.

Name of Account:  Newcastle District Women’s Hockey Association Inc.
ANZ Branch: Newcastle West
BSB: 012-780
Account no:  2065-88567

Wendy Johnson
Rep Coordinator

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