We are now well passed the half way mark of the season and the competition is becoming more intense. Unfortunately along with the intensity of our teams striving to reach the finals we have experienced some problems which are destroying our enjoyment of the game.

Over the last few weeks there appears to be an escalation of the use of foul and abusive language, along with some  personal clashes.


In our list of life`s priorities we have Family, Work, and our “Free Time”, which is becoming more difficult to find and becoming more valuable to each of us.

It is time that we stopped letting foul abusive language and aggressive behavior spoil the game for both the players and our families who come along as spectators.

Its time to     PLAY HARD   ——   BUT PLAY FAIR  —-   CLEAN UP YOUR ACT.

Its time for all of us to get our game back under control and make it the enjoyable time it should be, remember it’s the players who are responsible for their actions, and the team is the one who suffers if the player is penalised.

All players should be aware of the penalties which apply for breaches – read the following E-mail  which our Judiciary Convener has prepared and don`t let these penalties apply to you.  Rule changes over the last few year have allowed a fast spectacular game far in advance of what it used to be, don`t let a few  people get out of control and spoil it for everyone.

Cliff Monaghan


There were a number of instances last weekend that have drawn the attention of NMHA officials and the NMHA Judiciary.
Acts involving personal violence, offensive language, deliberate stick throwing, or deliberately striking an object or person with a stick are breaches of the NMHA Judiciary Guidelines.
Players and officials should be aware that matters of this nature may be referred to the NMHA Judiciary for examination and disciplinary action regardless of any on field action by the match officials.
The instances from last weekend also indicate that match officials may not be dealing with these types offences appropriately on the field. The types of on field behaviour outlined above should be dealt with severely by match officials.
Below are some of the penalties stated in the NMHA Judiciary Guidelines.

  • Uses Offensive, insulting or abusive language: 4 – 12 weeks    Minimum 4 weeks
  • Bringing the game into disrepute: 2 – 20 weeks      Minimum 2 weeks
  • Offensive Comments (Gender or Sexual Based): 8 – 20 weeks      Minimum 8 weeks
  • Threatening or intimidating an umpire or technical official by word or action: 12 weeks – Life   Minimum 12 weeks

While there have been a number of players this year who have received the minimum 4 week penalties for offensive language, players are reminded that if the language used falls into the ‘Offensive Comments (Gender or Sexual Based)’ category, the offence carries a minimum penalty of 8 weeks.
Serious personal violence offences would be dealt with under “Bringing the game into disrepute”. In the past similar matters have attracted penalties of 5 week playing suspensions.
Serious offences involving the use of a stick  would be dealt with under “Bringing the game into disrepute”. In the past similar offences have attracted minimum penalties of 8 weeks.
Players and officials should take note of the possible penalties, and adjust the on field behaviour immediately.
Mark Lawrence
NMHA Judiciary

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