NDWHA Come and Try Saturday – Update

“Last week I ran a lower grade coaching clinic for all players across NDWHA

This hour session was well received by those that attended but I am hoping for more numbers this week to ensure it is financially viable.

Come along and spare the hour to learn some basics in pushing, passing, slap shot, tackling and hitting

$5 – Saturday from 3pm to 4pm “


Sharon Williams



NDWHA is hosting a come and try it day and training day for Women’s grades 3rd and below.

With the juggling of the turfs at the moment we have been forced to a Saturday.

WHEN: Saturday 22nd February 3.00pm to 4.00pm

COST: $5 per person

ALL lower grade players from every and any club welcome to come along.

Basic skill drills being presented. Mouth guard and shin pads essential.

Ruth Ellis
PO Box  212, New Lambton  NSW  2305

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