NDWHA U11’s and Open Women’s Coaches

Nominations are being called for coaches for the Under 11’s and Opens representative teams. Can anyone interested please submit an expression of interest to ndwha@newcastlehockey.com.au and include all relevant qualifications and experience.

Can you please also disclose any conflict of interest that may be relevant to this position e.g. any family affiliation with any player nominating for the teams.

Expressions of interest are due no later than close of business 26th February.

This year the Under 11’s will be attending the Kim Small Carnival in Tamworth 29th June-1st July and one other carnival yet to be determined.

The Opens teams will be playing at MacArthur on the June Long Weekend (8-10 June).

Any inquiries can be directed to the rep coordinator on rep@ndwha.com.au

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