U13 Newcastle Boys Representative Trials & Nomination

If you are interested in nominating for selection in the U13 Newcastle side please complete the form below:-

2014 Newcastle Junior Boys Representative Nomination Form

Please note:

U13 HNSW State Titles will be held 17-20 July 2014 at Grafton and the Moorebank carnival will take place on 13 July 2014. By nominating you are making yourself available to attend both carnivals.

Selection trials will take place on Wednesday 14/5/14 & 21/5/14 from 5.25 to 6.25pm West Field at the Hockey Centre. Turf fee of $10 is payable on the day.

If you are unable to attend either selection trial you must inform Selection Convenor kay.johnston@tpg.com.au prior to the selection trial or you will not be considered for further selection.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kay Johnston
Selection Convenor
Newcastle Men’s Hockey Association
Junior Sub-Committee

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