Wanderers Australia Hockey Tours to Europe 2016 and 2017

Wanderers Australia would like to invite players in your area the opportunity to be a part of two fantastic tours traveling to Europe in 2016/17 ,  you have the chance of playing international hockey.
There are two tours….

  • one tour for juniors aged 13 -18 where they tour during the 2017 Jan school holidays.
  • one tour for players aged 18 and older for Sept/Oct 2016. The over 18s tour is the ultimate end of season tour !

Both tours are close to 3 weeks in duration and you have the opportunity to play big European clubs, tour many sights and cities including London, Amsterdam, Paris and Antwerp, as well as meet the locals along the way and people in your team from across Australia

For or 18+ tour, we have spots still available in all teams traveling. We are taking both male and female teams on both tours. Our Junior tour has just been released and is already half full. We will be taking two girls teams and a boys team on our junior

Please find below our flyers for each of the tours. Please feel free to pass this onto players at your club/association who may be interested !

Wanderers Jnr Hockey flyer 2017 Europe

Wanderers 18+ Hockey 2016 Euro Flyer

Direct departures are available from Sydney, with add on from a number of regional airports serviced by Virgin, as well as Brisbane for those in northern NSW.
Current and former state coaches will be leading these tours from across Australia

If you would like more information on costs, payments, dates and all aspects of the tour, feel free to email us, register your interest via our website, or give us a call on 02 42 67 1400.

Thanks and we hope to see you playing hockey in Europe !

Wanderers Australia
ATAS 11279
Ph 02 42 943 779
email: tours@wanderersaustralia.com.au
Web: www.waus.com.au

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