Womens Hockey World Championships – November 2018
For your information. NDWHA will not be organising a group to attend this but individual members may be interested in going.
The Womens Hockey World Championships are in England in November 2018. If you or a group are considering travelling to the event I can help you with putting a group together for this Championships.
I am happy to give you a call or arrange a meeting if you want to provide your contact details.
Kind regards
Bev Kennedy | Manager Groups, Events & Partnerships
Hunter Travel Group Pty Ltd | RACT Travel Pty Ltd | Cruise Travel Centre Pty Ltd
with agencies trading as helloworld | Travel by RACT | Cruise Travel Centre | Great Events | The Travel Studio
Admin Office: helloworld Newcastle, 144 Hannell St, Wickham (Newcastle), NSW, 2293, Australia
T: +61 (2) 4940 22 16 M: +61 (400) 334 912 E: bev.kennedy@htg.com.au