Women’s Masters 2015 nominations


Nominations for NDWHA Masters Women for 2015 are now open and will close on the 21st April at 5pm. The tournament will be held in Bathurst on the 24th -26th July.

Please nominate using the attached form NDWHA Masters Player Nomination Form 2015 which asks you to indicate your preferred age group. Please add any specific requests for who you wish to play with-these requests will be granted if possible but cannot be guaranteed.

Trials will be held at 8-9.30am on the 26th of April and if you are hoping for selections in the 35 1s, the 40 1s or the 45 1s (if we have the correct numbers for this) you are required to attend. Any one else is welcome.

On trials day please be ready at 8am sharp and bring $10 for turf hire.

If you have any questions or concerns or unable to attend trials but wish to be selected in a Div 1 team please email rep@ndwha.com.au

Wendy Johnson

Rep Coordinator

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