Women’s Masters Hockey

Masters Hockey update.

Special Note

Hi Teams,

I have been contacted by a couple of teams regarding the masters weekends. I would like to point out that nominations have not yet closed, however if you believe your team will meet the required 3 players attending the tournament you must supply me with their names for consideration of deferments to begin. Please not this only includes the weekend that the tournament is on, teams will still be expected to play on the Monday night following the tournament.

Please inform me ASAP ndwhafixtures@mail.com


Masters Hockey Details

What: Masters Hockey
When: 26-28 July 2013
Where: Armidale, NSW

Click on the below links for the latest Newsletter and player nomination form.

Masters Hockey Newsletter

Nomination Form

If interested please complete the nomination form and return to ndwha@newcastlehockey.com.au by Friday, 31 May 2013

Please pay nomination fee of $110 by direct deposit into the NDWHA Account:

BSB :  012-780

Account No.  2065-88567

Please send a copy of your receipt to Di McLeod, Treasurer of NDWHA at:  treasurer@ndwha.com.au (note new email address this year).

Trials will be held for the No.1 sides for 35’s and 40’s – dates to be advised following closure of nominations.

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