Women’s Masters State Team Selection Trials

Trials will be held on Saturday 18th June 2016 at Newcastle International Hockey Centre for any player wishing to contest State selection to compete at the Nationals held in Hobart in early October

Registrations will commence at 8:00am for trials of the O50s, O55s, O60s and O65s.
Registration and trials for O35s, O40s, O45s will commence at 10.00am.

Each age group will have two sessions during the day where players will have ample opportunity to show selectors
their skills, abilities and potential in their preferred positions.

Nominations for selection trials are open and forms can be found on the Hockey NSW website under Masters > Women >
State Selections. The Women Masters Committee would love to see as many ladies as possible trialling for our seven state

Nominations for selection close Friday 3rd June 2016.

Please CLICK HERE to access the Women’s Masters Newsletter for May 2016.

The newsletter is also available on the Hockey NSW website in the Women’s Masters – Newsletters section.

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